Welcome to the third Spoontown!
Join us for a long Summer weekend of Camping, Carving and Learning
Spoontown will have all you need to cut away from the world for 4 days and 3 nights.
Enjoy all things related to spoon carving and greenwood crafts such as Knife work, Axe techniques, Decoration techniques, Leatherwork, Pole lathe bowl turning and much, much more
Whether you’re a complete beginner, intermediate, or seasoned professional
Spoontown will have something for you to explore
Limited to 200 places, this exclusive outdoor event will be for ticket holders only
Thursday 25th – Sunday 28th July
What Is Pretown?
Pretown is an intense two and a half day fully immersive learning experience which will be running before the main Spoontown event
Where a select group of skilled spoon carvers, bowl turners and knife makers will pass their extensive knowledge to small groups of students.
Monday 22nd – Thursday 25th July
